Main features

  • High accuracy of ±0.008 Aw at 23°C
  • Quick Aw function for fast measurement results (typically 4-5 minutes)
  • Free smartphone app for iOS and Android
  • Small display for measurement values and results with light ring indication
  • Touch button to start and stop measurements


  • Measurement report automatically generated after each measurement


  • Wireless charger included with magnets for easy handling

The innovative AwEasy is a Bluetooth mobile device and can be used with your smartphone together with the free AwEasy App for iOS and Android. Measurements can also be started and stopped via the AwEasy’s touch button without the use of a smartphone. The device features a small display, a light ring as an indicator (“go” or “no go”) and a wireless charger for easy handling. All measurements are saved in the App and a report is automatically created in PDF format. The AwEasy App will be constantly improved and new features will be added with App updates.


  • AW Quick function provides quick results within 4 – 5 minutes


  • Normal Aw measurements take approximately 50 minutes Connectivity


  • Easy connection via Bluetooth and app


  • Magnetic accessory for wireless charging App functions


  • Changing settings and measurement modes of the measuring head


  • Automatic generation and saving of a report after each measurement


  • Direct downloads of measurement reports


  • Firmware Update Stable case


  • Use of robust materials, such as aluminum and stainless steel


  • Display and status indicator light

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